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Allan Marshall & Associates Inc.
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Warning Signs

Financial Management: Warning Signs Of Financial Problems

The following is a list of warning signs of current or future financial problems. If you can relate to any of the following you should take steps to correct the problem before it develops into a serious financial problem.

How much debt is too much? This podcast discusses the warning signs you’re heading for problems.

  • You are continually spending more than you’re spending limit.
  • You use your credit cards to cover basic living costs.
  • You use your credit cards as a necessity rather than a convenience.
  • You borrow money to make it from one payday to the next.
  • You only pay the interest or minimum charges on you monthly bills.
  • Your overall debts have not reduced over many months.
  • Creditors are calling and harassing for payments.
  • Utility companies are threatening to cut services.
  • Your credit cards are at their maximum limit.
  • You owe income tax debt and are unable to pay.
  • Your financial situation is affecting other areas of your life. (Health, family, etc.)
  • You have a bad credit rating or score.
  • The bank has turned you down for a consolidation loan.
  • Assets have been seized by an unpaid creditor.
  • Creditors are threatening legal actions for the collection of debts.
  • Your business is failing and you guaranteed business debts.
  • You are currently unemployed and have no funds to pay your previous debts.

If any of these warning signs describe your situation then you should talk to Allan Marshall & Associates Inc to discuss your options.

Contact Allan Marshall & Associates Inc. for a free consultation today.

Call toll-free: 1 (888) 371-8900